Your Social Sherpa, Shaily Hakimian: "What do you want to B2B when you grow up?"

Season 3 kicks off with my esteemed and ebullient guest, Shaily Hakimian, aka "Your Social Sherpa." I describe Shaily (SHY-lee) as the youngest early adopter in the social media game. Her knowledge is matched only by her energy and interest in helping people get heard. We share that joy in constant message proliferation, and in this conversation we talk about methods, inspirations, and goals. For the last two years, Shaily has empowered business owners to do their own marketing by guiding them on how to make more out of their social networking - from coaching 200+ women on how to get business using LinkedIn to working with over a dozen business owners through one-on-one sessions helping them reinvest in their own marketing.

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