YES, BRAND with Hersh Rephun
YES, BRAND with Hersh Rephun
Welcome to the show where brands take center stage for your edification and entertainment. Known as “The MESSAGE Therapist™,” your host Hersh Rephun is a veteran advertising creative, publicist, and comedian.
Hersh Rephun

Mushrooms, Cannabis, and Comedy with Robert Johnson, CEO of Mycroboost

S4 E49 • May 30, 2024 • 34 mins

Robert Johnson is the founder & CEO of premium mushroom product company Mycroboost and supplements manufacturer Custom Capsule Consultants. He's a cannabis and hemp industry veteran, health product expert, psychedelic advocate and seasoned entrepreneur with a 20-year track record of launching successful startup businesses in new and emerging markets. His pioneering product innovations and keen insights into the future of the health marketplace have made him a sought-after consultant, conference speaker, and op-ed contributor. His bylines cannabis, hemp, Delta 8, kratom, and mushrooms of all kinds have appeared in Rolling Stone, Cannabis Industry Daily, MG Magazine, Natural Products Insider, Nutraceuticals World, Nutritional Outlook, and Green Entrepreneur.

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